On 15 December 2023, we held our Coordination and Supervision Meeting in the meeting hall of Bursa Metropolitan Historical Municipality Building. During the meeting, the 2024 Work Program of the relevant institutions was evaluated and necessary decisions were taken in […]
As UNESCO Bursa Site Presidency, we paid a visit to the Governor of Bursa, Mr. Mahmut DEMİRTAŞ, our newly appointed civil administrator in Bursa, our historical city: Mahmut DEMİRTAŞ and wished them success.
With its historical and cultural heritage, unique natural beauties and rich cuisine, Bursa has a significant potential in every branch of tourism. Bursa’s tourism was discussed at the ‘Tourism Consultation Meeting’ held under the chairmanship of Governor Yakup Canbolat under […]
87th Bergama International Bazaar “On 19-25 June, Bergama Municipality organized a Culture and Art Festival.
It was realized online within the scope of ICOMOS International Day of Monuments and Sites 2023 Event on the 9th Anniversary of the Declaration of Bursa as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Thank you to all our participants.
As we celebrate the 9th anniversary of Bursa’s inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2023, we will be pleased to welcome your participation in the “Disasters and Change Panel” organized within the scope of ICOMOS International Day of […]
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep ERES ÖZDOĞAN, appointed by UNESCO National Commission of Turkey, and Prof. Dr. E. Özlem AYDIN and Dr. A. Ege YILDIRIM, appointed by ICOMOS National Commission of Turkey, came to Bursa on 05-06 May and participated in […]
On 28.04.2023, we held our Coordination and Supervision Board meeting as Bursa Site Presidency. We would like to thank all our stakeholders who participated. Love and Sincerely…
Our Advisory Board meeting, which we organized under the coordination of Bursa Site Presidency, was held online on 14.04.2023 from Bursa Metropolitan Municipality-Historical Cultural Heritage Branch Directorate. We would like to thank our Advisory Board members for their contributions.
Bursa Site Manager, Prof. Dr. Neslihan DOSTOĞLU, has been invited to the fourth event in the series of panels organized by the Balıkesir-Ayvalık municipality, which is a UNESCO World Heritage nominee. We wish success to our Site Manager Prof. Dr. […]