Prof. Dr. Neslihan DOSTOĞLU participates in the workshop organized by TARKEM.

Turkiye’s UNESCO World Heritage Site Managers Gathered in İzmir! The “UNESCO World Heritage Site Managers Meeting” took place in İzmir Kemeraltı on June 16-17, 2022, hosted by the İzmir Historical Port City Site Management and organized by the General Directorate […]

Painting Workshop on Cultural Heritage and Climate by Bursa Site Management

In 2022, as we celebrated the 8th anniversary of Bursa’s inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List, we organized a painting workshop on the theme of “Cultural Heritage and Climate” as part of the ICOMOS International Day for Monuments and […]

Bursa’s 8th Anniversary with UNESCO

On the 8th anniversary of Bursa being declared a UNESCO World Heritage site, an event titled “Cultural Heritage, Climate Change, and Sustainability Panel and Exhibition” was organized in collaboration with Bursa Metropolitan Municipality and Bursa Site Management as part of […]

Cultural Heritage, Climate Change, and Sustainability Panel

We will be pleased for your participation in the “Cultural Heritage, Climate Change, and Sustainability Panel,” which we organized within the scope of the ICOMOS International Day for Monuments and Sites, commemorating the 8th anniversary of Bursa’s inclusion in the […]


Bursa Alan Başkanlığı’nın yılda iki kez gerçekleştirdiği Eşgüdüm ve Denetleme Kurulu Toplantısı 28 Aralık 2021 tarihinde online olarak gerçekleştirildi. Toplantı, Bursa Alan Başkanı Prof. Dr. Neslihan DOSTOĞLU’nun açılış konuşması ve “UNESCO Dünya Mirası Bursa” hakkında bilgilendirme sunumu ile başladı. Toplantıda, […]

İzmir Historic Port City Site Management Visits Bursa

The team from the İzmir Historic Port City Site Management visited Bursa on November 12, 2021. Meeting with the Bursa Site Manager and her team, the İzmir team gained important insights from a presentation by Bursa Site Manager Prof. Dr. […]

Bursa Site Manager Visits İznik Site Manager

UNESCO Bursa Site Manager Prof. Dr. Neslihan Dostoğlu visited and congratulated Assoc. Dr. Şehnaz Eraslan Alicıgüzel, who was recently appointed as the İznik Site Manager by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, on Friday, October 15, 2021, in İznik. Prof. […]

7th Anniversary of Bursa’s Designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site Celebrated

The panel “Understanding, Planning, and Managing Cultural Heritage from the Past to the Future” was organized by the Bursa Metropolitan Municipality on Wednesday, June 23, 2021, as part of the ICOMOS International Day for Monuments and Sites 2021 event celebrating […]


As part of the 7th anniversary celebration of Bursa’s designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, we invite you to join our panel “Understanding, Planning, and Managing Cultural Heritage from the Past to the Future,” which will be held online […]


A workshop on Our World Heritage Sustainability was held on Monday, June 14 at 19:00 on the zoom program with 11 participants from different countries. Among the five-minute presentations made by each participant, there was also a presentation by Prof. […]

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